The harmless second hand items that you might pick up from your local vintage store, or buy for a great deal off Craigslist could be a hiding spot for these pesky creepy crawlers. The problem with used items and bed bugs is the bug's ability to conceal itself almost completely from the naked eye. Also, because of their ability to go for weeks even months without feeding allows for the bugs to stay hidden within furniture for long amounts of time.
CNN reported that the average homeowner is easily susceptible to a bed bug infestation through used furniture and clothing. We'd suggest to double check any furniture before bringing it into your home and to place any used clothing in the dryer set on medium to high temperature for 20 minutes to kill bedbugs and their eggs.
Bed bugs don't seem to be a problem that will go away soon, but by being diligent and careful you can lessen your chances of an infestation. If an infestation does occur be sure to contact a licensed professional before attempting any chemical treatments in your home.